My girl

Created by Janice 2 years ago
Radcliffe appeared one day in  the back yard in 2001. Her owners were never found so she became my cat. Saved from being a stray, she thrived. For some of it she shared our home with Garfie, a lovely ginger girl. When Garfie passed away in 2009 Raddy became the only cat. Loved, adored. Even her pet sitter adored her. She was a gentle, friendly, lively little  lady, loved the sun, fish, playing with shoelaces and paper balls. She loved  sitting behind me on the couch and grooming me.The years went by and she was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in 2018. This was managed with tablets and she did do well on those. In March 2020 I was sent home to work because of the pandemic and she became my constant companion. I struggled with my mental health but having her helped so much. In October 2020 a routine blood test found abnormalities. It turned out to be cancer. I got to pay back all the companionship and lovely memories by giving her the care she needed in her last 6 months. She went downhill very suddenly and my partner and I knew it was time. On Wednesday 5 May she went to sleep in my arms at our vets. I cannot believe how I did not guess how huge the hole in our life is now. It is a physical pain, the loss. I expect to see her and she is not there. 
